Recommended Dietary Allowance – RDA
Lithium, as a nutrient, overdue for AN RDA!
While lithium carbonate is a well known drug, the element lithium is also necessary for life, is found in all water and food. And just as we have an RDA established for calcium, magnesium, and zinc, the Food and Nutrition Board at the institute of Medicine should establish an RDA for lithium.
Our Product
Lithia Basic™, a nutritional bioavailable supplement designed to support healthy aging, mood, behavior, and memory, and resist the effects of stress, by combining extremely low doses of bioavailable lithium with low doses of Zinc picolinate, Bacopa monnieri, and Lemon balm. The formulation is designed to take advantage of the hormetic response elicited by these compounds and plants.
August 18, 2021
Dear folks,
Sadly, we announce that we stopped production, marketing, distribution or sales of Lithia Basic today. This very difficult decision was arrived at in a carefully deliberative manner. We love this product, and know many of you do, too.
As you know, we spent years developing a product that we thought would be applicable for a variety of uses to help normal functioning of different bodily systems, most especially the nervous system/brain and the immune system. We are pretty proud of what we achieved there. However, it had to stop. The reason follows.
We are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. As many of you know, I have been intimately involved in this arena, from both a natural medicine and public health perspective. One point I made early on is that what marks this infection as different than others is how it intersects with underlying chronic conditions of individuals and thereby impacts people in an acute way while also bringing to light or worsening more chronic complaints. One short statement I made was that in the first periods of the epidemic, most people will be focusing on mortality rates, on whether you live or die from this infection. But over time, as the next period begins, we will hear more and more about the chronic suffering that takes place. You may have heard about long haul syndrome and other diagnoses now made, long after the initial infection. This is where we are now.
In my personal practice with patients, I had often given them low dose lithium and zinc as a way to maintain proper health/normal functioning. However, since I also manufacture Lithia Basic, I could not publicize that as well, in terms of both perceived and potential conflict of interest. But the times are dire now. There are an increased number of people that are dealing with chronic neurological, cognitive, physical and emotional effects from COVID. I think this product would be useful for many to maintain normal functioning. But I cannot say that AND sell it. So I am stopping the manufacturing, distribution and selling of Lithia Basic, so that I can fully promote its contents, bought from other manufacturers and have no financial interest in any way. Most of these have not been tested against the virus, and I hope at a future time it will be.
As has always been written throughout The LITHIA WORKS website, you can buy these ingredients individually from numerous companies. These can be found by searching on the web for Lithium Orotate, low dose. The main problem is getting the ingredients in low doses, which is difficult. This means buying the product and then opening up the capsule. A tedious process. It may be that you can buy most of these as a liquid, and just take drops of them. Much less tedious process. Either way, it is doable. JUST KEEPING IT IN LOW DOSES.
Again, I apologize for this reality, but feel my highest calling is to provide actionable information to the broadest number of people and would like to do that free of any perceived conflict of interest. Thank you for your support and understanding.
With wishes for good health and vitality,
Paul Herscu ND, MPH